
Indra Jaya, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Indra Jaya is an educational researcher. A graduate of the Bachelor of Educational Administration and Master of Educational Administration Program, Indra Jaya has demonstrated a strong dedication to research in the field of education. Born on 22 August 1995 in Padang Pariaman Regency, his regional background seems to influence his interest in understanding local culture and dynamics. Through various research conducted, such as "Work Culture" and "Employee Perceptions of Facilities " Indra Jaya shows a strong interest in analyzing important aspects in educational administration and resource management human power. Its publication in an international journal with the title "An Analysis of Competence of the Principal in Managing Curriculum Development" illustrates Indra Jaya's commitment to sharing in-depth knowledge and understanding in the field of education with the global community. With a combination of a solid educational background and dedication to research, Indra Jaya is a researcher who has the potential to continue to make significant contributions to the development and improvement of the field of educational administration in the future.

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